Learning to Read the Bible (Again)

Course Description:

When’s the last time you read the Bible and felt what it meant? If you are like me, it has probably been quite some time since you felt this ancient collection of texts come alive. Join me in a philosophical adventure in learning to love and read the Bible (again).

In this two-part series, we will explore how reading the Bible through different philosophical lenses can open up unlimited possibilities in discovering the richness and beauty of this ancient collection of texts. We will explore how newer philosophical perspectives are–perhaps–actually events that occur deep within the fiber of every human being and how the Bible contains traces of those very events. These sessions aim to spark conversation, creativity, and childlike imagination so that reading the Bible (again) might become an event of joy, hope, and peace.

Course Details:

Course Date(s):

April 19, 2021 at 5:30pm - 6:30pm EST
April 26, 2021 at 5:30pm - 6:30 pm EST


Logan Greenhaw (Learn More)

Course Location:


Additional Information:

This course is sponsored by Homebrewed Christianity.

Each session will be one hour long and will be packed full of theological and philosophical goodness! In our first session, we will cover some of the ways in which history and the history of philosophy can help us better understand what is contained within the thing we call ‘the Bible’. In our second session, we will attempt to collectively create ways to re-read the Bible through lenses which help us notice the embodied phenomena that the Bible contains. Through these two sessions, we will hopefully acquire both critical and creative methods for learning to read the Bible (again).

These sessions are intentionally designed for people with no experience in reading the Bible, for people that know the Bible like the back of their hand, or for anyone interested in the Bible in any capacity. This webinar is open to any and everyone regardless of their religious or denominational background and comes with a guarantee of a good time! There is no requirement for you to attend both sessions and you can feel free to come and go as you please. BUT, for the full experience, I ask that you make an effort to attend both sessions in their entirety and push yourself to interact with the group.

Lastly, this webinar series is sponsored by Homebrewed Christianity–the absolute best source for audiological theology. Tripp Fuller, the creator of Homebrewed Christianity, has helped craft this webinar and it would not be possible without his help and support. To learn more, head over to trippfuller.com or subscribe to the Homebrewed Christianity Podcast by clicking here!

Sign-Up For this Course

Please fill out the form below to sign-up for this course. This will add you to the list of participants and you will receive more information about the course through the email address you provide. Even if you can only attend one session, please fill out the form so you can receive the link to the sessions. Thank you for your support!